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Scooby Doo T.V. Show Opening: 

We don't have a video yet because we have been very caught in the pre-production process. We found the actors we like and we have informed all of them, and texted them to hope that they could get their things together, although this has been taking such a long time because the actors are very slow at responding and getting the outfits together. We want them to semi match the photos next to this which can be a little difficult.


I started the story board a while ago, and got the shot by shot along with the characters movement and what's in each scene. We decided to cut a couple out and replace some monsters when meeting with my crew. We then went back to get the screen shots of the actual show. We've made a group decision to use some of the teachers as monsters, so we sent out emails to get that going. Along with also doing a little bit of sight scouting while waiting to hear back from everyone

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We are as well going to start confirming some outfits and get on our actors butts about getting that together so we can start to film them. As well as sending some emails out to teachers to get them to get their props and outfits together, to make them seem believable as monsters. We will be watching some youtube videos for the monsters makeup tutorials just make it seem more "monster like". We plan on doing most the shooting at night because first of all it's easier for the teachers instead of trying to work it into their schedule because they are teachers, as well as to give it that darker spookier look. We are in need of finding a fog machine and some spider web effects. 

Cinema Critique #2

This scene, after watching the movie multiple times like I have, actually has a great amount of hidden cues in the scene that can help the reader piece together the movie. Along with help predict the foreshadow. The scene starts off with Chris walking closer to the camera. It gives the shot of the door frame to give us a sense that he is about to exit a room or building. This scene is also shot at eye level to make us seem apart of the movie, like we are watching from the group. It is clearly day light out in this shot. The underlying music is quite eerie, putting us immediately at unease, with a little hint of voices talking in the background, showing that we are about to see new characters. We hear a voice shot out Chris's name and this get his attention and the shot switches. We are now over his shoulder, and we see a group of people and that we are now outside. Chris is also at a higher elevation then the others, showing he still has yet to come down the stairs to join them. We are shown the people speaking so that we arn't left guessing about hows the conversation gonna be held with.

The music begins to pick up behind the voice, who is now introducing all the new characters, who really are unimportant. The shot switches from frame to frame of all new and unimportant characters, who all are in the middle third of the screen. As well as the background Gaussianed. This is to distract us from anything that could be going on in the background and keep us focused on these shot clips of people. The shots continue to go back and forth from the group to Chris, also keeping Chris in frame as the "conversation" goes on. We become quick to see that Chris seems uneasy and uncomfortable. In a small break in the conversation between two of the talkers we see a couple, a older white women and a younger black man walk into frame. Chris seems to recognize the man and tries to get his attention although the name seems to have no recollection. Although the director is smart with his choices because if you remember or not we have indeed seen and even meet this man before. The first scene in the movie when he get kidnapped. A great foreshadowing/recognition moment in the movie. The "new man" continues to talk on as we now get a shot from outside the group over a new and irrelevant new mans shoulder our attention is now on Chris how is pulling out his phone to try to "slyly" take a picture. After a couple shots of jumping back and forth from Chris to "new man" the director gave us a break from jumping so he goes to a pan shot of Chris's face down to his hands, where he is about to take a picture. All of a sudden we see the phone flash, identifying that indeed Chris did just take a picture. The new man stops mid sentence and is now frozen. We see in the corner of the shot the women look becomes a little frantic as she doesn't know what to do. It then switches back to a outside the group shot, getting everyones reaction.At this point the music is now stopped. Although it doesn't really matter what the new man is saying it seems mostly likely to build the tension. We know get closer, and more angles of the man who seems to be frozen and struggling. And of course unless you've seen the movie a million times, this might not make sense to you and would take me too long to explain so just roll with me. The new man staying in the 3rd of the screen as we pan around his face, exposing a new nose bleed. A high pitch, but low volume sound is now in the background giving us a eerie sense of something bad just happened. A sound of what seems to be a heartbeat starts to increase in speed and sound and now he director has us where he wants us, on the edge of the seat. The words next said are "Get  out" almost in a whole new tone and voice, exposing the idea that he is now a new person, and a warning. He starts to storm Chris screaming "Get out" as he moves the camera takes in some light, showing movement. It then becomes almost a violent warning begging Chris to get out, we get shots over both shoulders to get the reactions of both characters, as well as seeming to be viewing from the crowd. Although the video goes on this is where I stop, this one scene in itself has so much when it comes to forwshadowing and hidden cues, and things that only make sense when you watch the end of the movie. As well as good shots and jump clips, and knowing when to pan and when to jump. All around well put together and still my favorite movie. 

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