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Top 100 Movie Review: Forrest Gump

The movie I watched for my Top 100 movie was "Forrest Gump" directed by Robert Zemeckis. This movie had a little bit of everything in it for everyone, it had war, love, friendship and everything in between in it. This movie had the ability to make you laugh or even cry. This movie is about a slow-witted boy, named Forrest Gump. Forrest isn’t quite aware of the disadvantage he was put at in life, but with the help of his supportive mother, he lived everything a life that was everything but disadvantaged. On Forrest first day of school, he meets a girl, Jenny Curran, who is not normal compared to the other kids. Forrest can't walk quite right, and because of this he wears leg props to settle his spine. Forrest is constantly being made fun of and bullied for his absence of knowledge and his leg. Which leads to the famous scene of Forrest running from some bullies, and Jenny yells “Run Forrest, Run” and he runs so fast that he breaks off his leg support. In which he learns that he is a fast runner, which plays a role later in the movie.


Another really great thing about this movie, was that all throughout it, they kept the time frame in tack. Although this movie was made in the 1990’s, the people did a great job making it look like 1950’s. Whether it was from what everyone was wearing to the slight fancier language than we use today, it remained in tact. They used a great town to film in, all the houses had that realistic “1950’s” thing about them and the costumes were so in touch with the time period. It was all fancy flowers and big hats and long dresses and suits. Even the very short bus scene with Jenny and Forrest, the way the busses look and the time fashion was totally intact.



The motion picture begins off with Forrest sitting at a transport quit chatting with some woman about his life. It starts in the present day and continuous to flash back and forth from that to the past. Whether it be his childhood or a teen, or war, or whatever else Forrest had encountered. And we are given a small hint about time passing because usually it is different people Forrest is talking to. The lighting in a lot of the sense are great, it gives us the vibe it needs to give us. Whether they are trying to produce the sun-shiny day or the dreaded days at war, with a gloomy look over everything, they knew how to make you feel. And we knew that jenny was gonna be a love connection right off the back, because they were sitting in the tree, with the beautiful sunset in the back and we knew that this was going to something special about her

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This motion picture is a work of art and without a doubt one of my top picks. I constantly enjoy watching this movie, and it will never get old. I would recommend anyone to watch this because it truly does have something for someone, because there is such a wide variety of everything in this movie. I trust this film keeps living on through ages. It has a great deal of messages for everybody to take from it, whether it be about love, or different people or life in general. Tom Hanks worked to perfection in this film, and I know it can’t be easy to pretend to be like that, and as an actor he did a fantastic job or it. He worked admirably depicting his character without culpable anybody. Once more, I would truly recommend this motion picture to anybody hoping to pull strings on all feelings in a single film sitting.

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