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A Lifetime of Creations



Cassie Pearce is a three sport varsity athlete. Playing basketball, soccer and lacrosse. She currently attends Burr and Burton Academy. Cassie works two jobs: working with a young kid with LGS, and waitressing at Bob's Diner. Along with these things Cassie is apart in National Honors Society, a Freshman Mentor and is a "Buddy" at Top Soccer. Cassie Also really loves her dogs and enjoys hiking with them. Cassie's favorite movies include: Get out, Now You See Me, Mamma Mia 1 and 2. Cassie's favorite comfort food includes mashed potatoes, bacon and anything to do with bread. Cassie enjoy's a mixture of music and is never really picky as long as it's not hard rock or intense rap. She enjoys to help her family make maple syrup in the spring time, snowmobile and pond ski in the winter, swim in her lake in the summer and loves everything in the fall. 


Cassie LOVES to travel, although she doesn't travel as much as she would like to. She has been to the Bahamas and Bermuda and Morocco. She's always wanted to travel to Europe, especially Greece. Cassie loves her family and friends

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The pre-production for this film could have been thought out a lot more. We chose a room, the room in the back of the library. We started shooting with the first scene with Egan opening the door handle and walking through the door. I knew I wasn't gonna use the sound so I didn't worry much about what I was saying or the sounds around me. I tried to change up the angles a little bit to give the film a little more spice to it because they were pretty basic shots. Then in the middle of filming me and Egan realized the room we had already started filming in didn't have a light switch, which was one of the main shots we needed. We used something that looked like a light switch and waved our hand over it to make it look sorta like a motion sensor hoping to just play it off. 

Post-Productions: *not final*

The post-productions for this film was not what I wanted at all. I realized while editing my shots that I didn't like the lighting in the room we picked. It makes me realize how much we need lighting to pick up on hair and eyes to make the scene more lively. I also look at it and I don't like the room we shot it in, there is too much going on around the actors that it looks messy and distracting. I could not get the sound to download for the shots, so it is completely silent, which I don't really like so when you watch this imagine the "Pink Panther" theme song playing behind this. Also imagine a gun shot going off what Egan shoots his hand gun. I also realize looking at it that I didn't get the shot of the light switch. So I have to go back and do that, one of the many things incomplete about this project. The editing I did wasn't too bad, I left enough time between action and cut to edit it properly, which made it a lot easier. 

I honestly thought this project was gonna be a lot easier than it was. I had no problem coming up with the idea of how I imagined it. Although when the Advanced kids were discussing everyones was very similar so we split off to come up with better ideas. This is when it became hard for me because I was trying to be creative within some boundaries. I couldn't come up with anything creative like my friends, which frustrated me a lot. I wanted to do the basic man walks in, other man doesn't know another man walked in and boom shoots the man, and of course a lot of people did turned it into a horror movie.  I wanted to do a "Danby" version of this with a man in a trailer and a potato gun, but then I realized how little time I truly had and decided to change my idea again. This time I decided to go pretty basic and keep it nice and simple. So I made my storyboard, grabbed Egan and a camera and got shooting

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